How to set up URL Frame in cPanel? Print

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Step 1: Login to your cPanel account.

Step 2: Navigate to the section Files > File Manager menu.

Step 3: Move to the document root option for your domain you need to set up URL frame.

Step 4: Once you are in the root directory of your domain, create an index.html file by clicking on 'File' option.

Step 5: Right-click on the file and select 'Edit'.

Step 6: Insert the code for setting up URL Frame for the domain.




<title> Site Title </title>



body {

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;


body, iframe {

    width: 100%;

    height: 100%;


iframe {

    border: 0;




<iframe src=""/>




Step 7: Click on the 'Save changes' option to complete the process.

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