What do you mean by CloudFlare? Print

  • 16

1. CloudFlare is a CDN service that makes your website faster, safer, and smarter. In other words, CloudFlare supercharges websites.

2. CloudFlare acts as a middle tier, acting as a community that collects threat information (spammers, nasty bots, etc) and protects your website/blog from the same threats. CloudFlare keeps your website/blog safe from these attacks by challenging them with a CAPTCHA system.

3. CloudFlare provides an extra caching system. When a visitor comes to your website/blog, CloudFlare serves them the static contents from a server closest to your visitor. This improves the load time for your website/blog significantly because data travel is shorter.

4. If your server is down, CloudFlare will serve your visitors its whole cache (including your pages, posts, etc) so in a way, your website/blog will never go offline.

5. With CloudFlare, you can block spammer's or annoying IP addresses easily with the control panel.

6. In general, “CloudFlare makes your sites load about 45% faster“.

7. Cloudflare help to speed up the website by redirecting the traffic to the nearest node.

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