Webmail Calender configuration Print

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1. First you will need to login to our Webmail interface http://webmail.oryon.net

2. Once you are successfully logged in, goto the Calendar section

3. You will then need to either create a New Calendar or Edit the current Calendar you wish to share

4. Once you click Edit, you will see a menu

5. From here you can Rename your Calendar, Enable the Calendar to be Public or Private via an .ical URL, or you can goto the Permissions tab if you want to Share this Calendar to other users

6. By default, All users are able to view your Calendar, but you can modify this and grant specific permissions to individual users.

7. Next, each user that wants to view the Shared Calendar would login to their Webmail account, goto the Calendars menu and click on the + button next to Shared Calendar

8. You will then see the list of available Shared Calendars to add in the Available Calendars list. Highlight the desired Calendar and click Add, then click Save when finished.

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